Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision Services for
Registered Mental Health Interns

As a Clinical Supervisor, Stacey Brown provides consultation to counselors at various stages of their professional development. In her role as your Clinical Supervisor, she will serve as a counselor, consultant, mentor, advisor and educator to help you improve your counseling competencies. General goals of supervision, such as assessment, ethics and intervention techniques will be included along with the development of specific counseling competency goals that the intern may have. Learning about yourself as a counselor and being able to promote your personal identity will help you to not only obtain your professional license, but will also help you to become highly qualified so you can best help your clients and find balance in your own life.

An experienced clinical therapist and educator, Stacey is a State of Florida approved Clinical Supervisor and a Nationally Approved Clinical Supervisor. Stacey has served in several counselor supervisor, clinical director and counselor educator roles throughout her career of over twenty years in the field. She has offered direct supervision in clinical settings to more than thirty Masters' level counselors and she has offered direct, private clinical supervision to numerous Mental Health Interns who have continued on to become licensed professionals. Stacey's professional experience and education offer a sound framework for Licensed Mental Health Interns. You may read more about her experience, education and credentials here.

Stacey's approach to supervision is, like her counseling style, rooted in an Adlerian, Solution Focused, relational framework. While drawing upon her experience and training to provide clinicians with a variety of concrete strategies to strengthen their work, her primary focus is on the quality of the relationship between counselor and client—and any obstacles to empathy, mindfulness and effectiveness that may interfere with this process. Additionally, Stacey's training and experience in alternative wellness and holistic strategies such as Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness, Ayurveda and Reiki offer additional approaches for research and possible integration that create a unique perspective for the intern, both professionally and personally. From there, she invites and guides counselor trainees to assist themselves in resiliency, wellness and self care as well as fine tuning effective clinical intervention strategies as an integrative approach to growth and development.

Helping new counselors to feel confident, brave and creative is the ultimate goal to helping to foster resiliency and stamina for the profession. Feeling comfortable with your counseling skills is necessary for your professional competency, growth and success. Being willing to offer education, encounter conferences and professional writing, and professional advocacy in addition to the usual work of helping clients in an ethical and effective manner are integral to becoming a professional counselor.

The journey to becoming a counselor is a multilayered, creative, sometimes messy, energizing personal and professional process. It's better when you have a gentle, knowledgeable guide.

If you are ready to schedule our first meeting to discuss supervision possibilities, you may book your appointment online here. Choose "clinical supervision" from the menu of services. To learn more about clinical consultation and supervision services, contact Stacey at [email protected] or 239-275-3900.

hand holding a small leafy plant A former intern offers a personal statement about her unfolding journey of clinical supervision for professional licensure with Stacey:

"Finding the right Clinical Supervisor is important, to say the least. Clinical Supervision is both a professional and personal journey that requires the intern to maintain a commitment to showing up, being vulnerable, accepting feedback, and trusting the supervisor's guidance and expertise. I remember when searching for a supervisor, I was drawn to Stacey after reading on her website that she maintained a strong focus on the therapeutic relationship, especially in supervision.

My supervision journey was meaningful for me in a way that expanded my understanding of what it means to truly become a counselor. The process of becoming a counselor requires a commitment to maintaining ethical and competent practice in service to our clients, as well as self-examination and vulnerability. I experienced, firsthand, Stacey's commitment to all of these things, as she both modeled and helped me to develop them. Stacey has extensive experience and training, as well as an authentic and caring approach. Our supervision was an intuitive and creative process, intended to meet me where I was at each point. Stacey reminded me in each session, "Be where you are"- and that's exactly what she does for each intern and client.

I learned, in a meaningful way, that her philosophy of Clinical Supervision is intended to preserve the integrity of the counseling profession. As a new counselor, I appreciate her genuine commitment to my development as a professional within the counseling field. She took the time to understand who I am as a person and was able to use that knowledge in our sessions to shape and reframe experiences I discussed to help me to grow professionally. As a now licensed clinician, I consider Stacey to be an extremely valuable resource as a colleague and will continue to seek consultation as needed throughout my career."

Alicia Simmons, MA, LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor

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