Telehealth Services

At this time, services are provided through teletherapy.

From the comfort of your own environment, you can engage in counseling, coaching and mental health services remotely through video conferencing and phone calls.  Although it is indeed different than the in-person, in-office experience, teletherapy offers many benefits.  Rapport, counseling and wellness services and techniques work just as well through teletherapy.  It may be a good option for you and your lifestyle.

Teletherapy makes mental health and wellness services more accessible, convenient and cost-effective for you.  Convenience and accessibility is the main benefit and is wonderful for your comfort.  You decide where to meet, what to wear, what nourishment to have nearby and what comforts are needed for you to have the best experience.  

Teletherapy eliminates the need to take time of of work to travel to and from appointments which can be a significant time saver.  With teletherapy, there can be increased confidentiality because you may attend your counseling sessions from a private location of your choice.  Attending teletherapy is more cost efficient, as you don't have to take time off of work and there are no costs related to transportation.  Additionally, teletherapy allows you to have greater access to therapists because you may connect with professionals located in a different area.  This can be particularly beneficial for those seeking specialized therapy or wellness services that may not be available in their area.

Once you make an appointment, you will receive new client forms to start our connection.  You will receive a link to our online meeting at the time and date that you've chosen.  You will simply log onto the meeting using the link you receive through your email to begin.

To schedule an appointment please click hereto select your ideal time and date for an appointment. 

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