
hand resting on knee Many people are curious about meditation, but don't pursue it because they think that they can't do it. There are many excuses: "I don't have time". "My mind won't shut off". "I can't sit still that long". If this sounds familiar to you, you may have the wrong idea about meditation.

The goal of meditation is to learn to go beyond the busy nature of the mind in search of peace, happiness and bliss. Meditation is a fail proof, systematic method for training your awareness, thoughts and breath.

Learning how to meditate is a skill that can be learned with good instruction. Once you learn the specific procedure, which is very easy to understand, you practice. Consistent practice of meditating on a daily basis helps you to learn to focus on your breath and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Being willing to sit still and practice strengthening your ability to focus is the challenging part.

With loving meditation instruction and continued support, we will help you to develop a consistent, gentle daily practice. Through the journey of learning to be still and meditate, you will learn more about yourself. Being fully present to our lives in the present moment can help improve focus, reduce anxiety, and achieve clarity with your goals, relationships and behavior. You will see the effects of this practice in your daily lives as you learn to respond to situations rather than emotionally reacting.

We recommend scheduling four meditation sessions in a row, approximately weekly, to help you to learn the techniques, to receive support and additional information and to support an ongoing daily practice.

Follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter so you can be informed about workshops and events to support your meditation practice.

To schedule a training session series with Stacey Brown, contact her at [email protected].

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