Couples Counseling

fort myers couples therapy
Would You Like To End The Hurt And Really Feel Love For Each Other Again?

The truth is, all relationships have their ups and downs. That's just part of being a couple. But if you find yourself stuck and just can't seem to solve the problems on your own, it may be time for some support.  We utilize an integrative style of couples counseling integrating solution focused counseling principles, John Gottman's research, yoga and the principles of wellness foundation.

If both people in the couple are eager to work together, meeting with both people at the same time in session is a very effective method for problem solving, learning new skills, goal setting and negotiating.  The best results of couples counseling happen when BOTH people have the same goal of strengthening the relationship and being willing to work TOGETHER. However, if both people in the relationship are not committed to saving the relationship, compromising, understanding and seeking solutions, couples counseling will likely not be effective.  In that case, individual counseling may be a more effective way to address relationship issues.

Working on your individual issues is sometimes necessary prior to working in couples counseling sessions.  Being strong and healthy as an individual makes you a better partner.  Many times when couples come to meet with me, it is decided to have individual sessions first and then join for couples counseling later.

In cases of domestic violence, couple's counseling is not recommended.  It is not emotionally safe for the victim to be honest and address feelings, values, needs and wants if there is violence in the relationship.

How Couples Counseling Can Help

    • Improve communication - wouldn't it be great if you could both learn to understand and really listen to each other?
    • Learn new ways to resolve old disagreements and fights. Stop the cycle of blame and hurt.
    • Decide if your relationship is the right one for you.
    • Understand the influence past relationships may have on your current relationship.
    • Learn how to create a strong commitment to each other in a time when many relationships are ending in divorce.
    • Learn how love is created - and how it is destroyed.
    • Accept and appreciate your differences.
    • Grow closer together.
    • Learn the things you were never taught, about how to make your relationship something to treasure.
    • Begin to forgive and heal hurt.
Depending on the circumstances, it may be best for me to meet with you and your partner individually at first as I described.  Some couples prefer to attend the first session together and then make a plan.

If you aren't sure how to handle this, send us a note HERE .

If you feel like you know how to proceed, you may book an appointment for "Initial Assessent for Adult" or "Marriage Counseling"

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